Dinner last night was black lentils, chorizo, and tomatoes because I was too lazy to make anything else:
And hot cocoa:
They seemed to be out of regular Swiss Miss, so I got this diet 25 calorie stuff. It isn't so bad! Kyle even had a mug of it and liked it. If you are watching calories, check it out!
So, that brings us to today, Tuesday... AKA day #5 trapped inside by the snow.
I'm over it. Sadly, at about 4:30 pm snow storm #2 decided to roll in. Suspected 10-20 inches by tomorrow night. We already have about 3 after four hours. COME ON!
Le sigh. Not that I don't mind missing classes, but I am angry that I worked really hard this past month going to the gym and eating healthy, and now I am unable to do any real cardio (getting soaked walking through 24 in of snow isn't so bright of an idea). It really is a kick to your pride and success when after one month of hard work you hit a 7-10 road block in your progress.
I mean, this snow tonight/tomorrow is so bad that all the DC-Metro school systems are closed for the rest of the week.
Also, today I woke up feeling sick. Stuffy, light-headed, and full of drainage in my throat. I tried a banana and yogurt for breakfast:
I only got through a bite of each before I gave up... I couldn't taste anything and just was not feeling it. So, I switched to this lovely combo:
Tylenol daytime cold meds, water, and a daily vitamin with 200% of my vitamin c needs, hoping to feel better.
I still didn't feel hungry after my meds, but I decided to go on and make a few things in advance so in the event of power outage Ky and I only need to do simple reheats in the dark as opposed to cooking full meals.
I made a chipotle corn tomato soup.
- Either shuck 2 ears of corn, or drain 2 small cans of corn
- Dry roast the corn until the kernals began to brown slightly
- Remove corn from skillet and place in bowl for time being
- Chop 2 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce with reserve sauce from can
- In same skillet, sautee chipotle's and sauce with 1 clove garlic for 2 minutes
- before the chipotle's burn, add corn back in
- Mix thoroughly
You can either chill this or have it hot to use as a side, a relish, a salad topping, sandwich filler, or use it to pump up soup, like I did today. I added some TJ's organic tomato bisque soup with low sodium:
14% sodium is not bad for 1 cup of soup, especially if you beef it up with veggies and spices. I have to say I am really happy that I am learning how to pep up my food without adding extra sodium!
After adding about half of the corn I made to this can of soup, I got a pretty hearty result:
The only ingredients are roasted corn, garlic, black pepper, and chipotle peppers added to pre-made soup. Delish!
I was going to have a bowl for lunch, but right as I was about to dig in Kyle called to ask if I wanted him to pick up lunch. I couldn't say no! He went to Marathon Deli in town, and got my lamb gyro.
It was lamb, tomatoes, onions, banana peppers, greek seasoning, and feta on pita bread. We ate at about 2:30.... and I was starving from not eating all day once my meds finally kicked in!!
Needless to say, I was stuffed until 8pm when I made dinner. I planned to grill some veggies and have a salad with hummus. However, I opened up my container of salad mix to find it had spoiled!
I am so bummed. I was really counting on eating a lot of salads Wednesday and Thursday, since I am counting on not being able to get out of here before then. We have almost nothing healthy to eat :-( I really wanted to at least eat healthy while I was trapped in here all week if I can't exercise.
Definitely made me regret my greasy lunch.
At least Kyle has agreed to let me have all the mushrooms and peppers we have while he eats pulled pork and frozen pizzas. Isn't he sweet? <3
So, for dinner I chopped up a small onion, a handful of mushrooms, and half a green pepper that I tossed in evoo with black pepper. Then I put it in foil and threw it on the foreman for 10 minutes.
I then put it on a serving of TJ's instant brown rice:
With lots of Cholula. Sadly, you guys in for some boring posts. In my attempts to be healthy I will probably be eating a lot of meals with this veggie combo until we can get out.
Now Ky and I are settled into an almost empty house to brave out our current storm. The snow is pretty, but it will turn to ice in a few hours. I hope we don't lose power!
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