Today flew by!
Kyle and I slept in because we were worn out from this weekend, so I felt rushed this morning. I grabbed a Luna Peppermint Stick Bar as I was getting my things together, and I had so much going on I only ate half of it before I put it down and rushed out the door.
Doesn't it just look like a crumbled oreo cookie? Sooo goooood.
I did 20 minutes on the elliptical, with a new record! I bumped up my resistance level to 8, and did 2 miles in 18 minutes :-) I'm pretty happy with myself! After that, I did 30 on the bike. Sadly, I have to use some of my gym time to read for class/my seminar paper.
After the gym, I was STARVING because of my tiny breakfast and lack of snack. Since the house is bare of anything edible, Kyle and I went out to lunch today. We went to Jason's Deli because we were both craving a soup and sandwich. I made my own half sandwich of turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, pico, and quac in a wrap with a cup of poblano corn chowder:
The sandwich was a huge let down. I expected the turkey to be meh, but when you pay an extra .89 cents for guac and pico EACH, you expect them to use more than a tiny dab of it. It was pretty flavorless. The soup was really good, though!
Kyle had a new item, the chicken adobe pizza. He was kind enough to let me have a bite:
It was okay, but the BBQ sauce was waaaaaaay too sweet. What is with me? I can't stand sweetness for some reason!
I had a little of their free fro-yo for dessert :-)
There was actually a sign on the self-serve yogurt station that there is no high-fructose corn syrup in it, and there are 5 grams of fat and 170 calories per 4 oz. I ate just the "muffin" top... you can tell there is fat in it because it is so rich and creamy!
After lunch I grabbed a grande soy awake tea latte, which I didn't like so much because it was really frothy from the soy. I have to say I prefer milk, especially skim all the way. Must be because I was brought up on 2% milk from Harris Teeter. Mmm.
I had a meeting on campus, so I walked back in the sunshine and glistening snow. On top of 30 minutes of gym cardio today, I walked about ~1.5 miles or so around campus and town. I am really feeling it in my legs! I am really happy!
After my meeting, we finally went to the grocery store for a REAL shopping trip for the first time in weeks. Oh, Trader Joe's, how I missed you!
- yellow onions
- spring green mix x2
- baby spinach
- orange/tangerines
- bananas
- blueberries
- mushrooms
- grape tomatoes
- guac kit with ripe avocados!!!
Lots of meat and other deli items....
- milk
- wasabi mayo (we plan to make a light chicken salad with that)
- pesto marinated chicken
- soy chorizo x2
- buffalo burgers
- roasted chicken breast
- jalapeno chicken sausage
- chicken patties
- southwest marinated salmon
- roasted red pepper and spicy hummus
Grains overload! We are still oven-less at DAY 30. And our landlords have their voicemail full, and will not answer to phone calls or emails. Therefore, we had to stock up on pre-prepared foods :-(.
- an assortment of Lunas
- sea salt pita chips + garlic and herb pita chips
- organic sugar
- multi-vitamins :-)
- multi-grain pilaf x3
- brown rice x3
- black lentils x4
- lime pilaf x2
- TJ's pre-measured trail mix packets (cost the same as buying a bag of same amount)
- whole wheat tuscan bread
Then finally, a few necessary indulgences:
- TJ's three pepper salsa
- TJ's roasted garlic salsa
- TJ's Bruschetta. I. Can. Not. Get. Enough.
This was definitely one of those weeks where I wanted to eat everything out of the fridge asap. I am going to have some amazing meals this week!
For dinner, Kyle was tired of my raving about the joy's of grilling soy chorizo and veggies, so I made big ole salads again.
As I made the guac and soy/veggie mix, we snacked on some appetizers:
It was a mix of sea salt/garlic herb pita chips with roasted red-pepper hummus, spicy hummus, and bruschetta. These were new hummus' to us; but I almost always like ones like this where you mix in the spices/seasoning upon opening (Sabra is a favorite!. The red pepper was pretty meh, a little sweet ( I am SUPER sensitive to sweetness lately!) but I LOVED THE SPICY HUMMUS. It has a pup of mint at the beginning; it actually reminded me tzatziki sauce. Very good, I recommend it if you have a TJ's nearby!
We also broke into our vino from this weekend, and had some of the Red Newt White. This is very mellow.... sweet, but with a nice pop of fresh flavor on your palate. I'll be honest, since I will be in class for a big chunk of Kyle's birthday tomorrow, we are celebrating some tonight, too :-)
I know TJ's is cheap, but come on! My spring mixes were not supposed to be up until 2/8, and they were both damp upon opening with little brown clumps of rotten lettuce throughout. Arggggh. Buyer beware; TJ's is cheap, but a lot of their meats, produce, and perishable items go up rather quickly. If you are buying items with a shelf-life, I have always found it is best to buy things you plan to eat within a few days of purchase just to be on the safe side.
So, we had plain spinach as a base:
I put ~2/3 cup of grilled chorizo/onion/mushroom and black lentil mix on my salad, with a big scoop of quac, some 3 pepper salsa, and fresh cut tomatoes. Soooo, sooooooo good! The best part? Kyle likes it, too! Muahaha. I'm slowly making him eat healthy, too....
So, a recap of last weeks challenge:
With the exception of Saturday, I managed two servings of fruit a day (including a fruit smoothie yesterday, and dried fruit some days). However, I still don't REALLY like fruit. Dried fruit is okay, but I prefer veggies bar none. However, bananas will always do the trick for me now :-) I think it is because they are not juicy, and also not sweet.
So, what is this week's challenge?
A simple one. This week I will eat a multi-vitamin every day, and keep it up past this week. Sounds simple, but I think it is important. There are days I get very little calcium, and my mom is scared I won't have kids without lots of folic acid. So, I am going to take one TJ's Women's Once Daily Multivitamin and Dietary Supplement every day this week, and hopefully get into a long-term habit. Wish me luck!
Now we are winding down for the night, considering opening our Blue Newt White as well. We shall see!
Kyle's Birthday is tomorrow.... lot of surprises and yummy eats for sure!
PS: A Magical Find...... a blog devoted to Macaroni and Cheese! Eeep! I heart macaroni and cheese! This blog will feature one new mac and cheese recipe for 30 days, featuring all kinds of cheeses. How fantastic?
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