Sorry for no posting yesterday; the Snowtorious B.I.G. was a force to be reckoned with.
Remember how on Thursday night I was excited to lounge in bed and watch my stories like an old person? Well, no such luck. I wound up going to the grocery store to get what we needed for the weekend. My roommate Nick said the lines were crazy, so I figured I would rather just get it over with. I wish I had brought my camera.... it was MADNESS!
- I had to wait 20 minutes for a cart before finally stalking someone to get theirs
- The store was out of milk, eggs, chicken, and canned soup
- Costco was also in bad shape; they were sending people to smaller stores because COSTCO ran out of milk!
- I waited in line for 1.5 hours; I got in line at the very back of the store, and it took forever to get up there (I read a magazine to kill time, lol).
It's funny, my roommates are all from New York, and they think its insane how people are acting. They don't seem to understand that 4 inches, let alone 30 inches of snow is almost unheard of here, so people just don't know what to do other than stock up and hibernate.
So, on to Friday... Guys, this was a BAD FOOD DAY. I mean, bad. If I was actually following a strict diet, Friday was the equivalent of having fallen off the wagon and been run over. Twice.
1. I didn't eat before I went to the gym. Bad news. Don't ever do that. I started strong walking on the elliptical at 4.0 mph, on a 2.5 incline. After 30 minutes, I thought I was going to die. Not good. I only made it for 10 minutes on the bike I was so weak.
2. I was ravenous when I got home, and got to work on Asiago Mac and Cheese from my new magical website.
I followed all of the directions exactly, except I did not top it with bread crumbs and bake it. I really don't like bread crumbs on mac and cheese; it ruins the texture for me.
This recipe was VERY easy, and tastes amazing! I wish I had taken pics as I made it, but it is also VERY FAST. The most time consuming part is shredding the cheese, but even that is quick because asiago is so soft and crumbly.
I also liked using evaporated milk; I have to wonder if that is the key to making a good, rich, creamy cheese sauce. I usually wind up with a few lumps, or flour chunks, but this was amazingly smooth and well blended. I had one bite of this before...
3. Kyle thought we should save the mac and cheese for later, and grab something out while things were still open. We went to Wendy's, because it was right by Target and did not look crowded. I got the spicy chicken sandwich combo (no mayo) and a diet coke:
It was 1:30pm at this point, and I had been up since 9, and had a 40 minute workout that I had not satisfied. I ate it all. I'm not happy about it, but I did!! Haha, nah this combo isn't THAT bad, but it would have been better without the fries. Also, that is NOT mold on the bun.
At Target, we grabbed some candles just in case, as well as some entertainment. Mexican Dominos, and the Harry Potter 1-6 DVD set.
It was only $50, so we just went for it.
As we started watching The Goblet of Fire, our roomie Brendan showed up with a fabulous surprise... BOJANGLES!!!!
4. A southern right of passage, Bojangles is my absolute favorite fast food. And there is only one within 50 miles of here, and Kyle hates it. Soooo, I hardly ever get it. B went to Duke for undergrad, so luckily he sees the light. I ate a handful of their cajun spiced fries. Ordinarily I would never have fast food twice in one day, but I mean, they are effing good! And I never get them, so, yeah. I am fine with my fast food binge.
Honestly, part of the problem was also that I didn't eat until 1:30, my body just went in hunger auto-pilot, I think.
After that, we began our snow celebration. The players: Kyle, Chris, Brendan, Jess, Nick, and myself. We stocked up on booze, good food, and games for the weekend.
I myself stuck to some Frontera Carmenere, but we had beers of every variety, vodka drinks, martini's... you name it, we had it, lol.
5. For dinner we finally dug into the mac and cheese, and it was GREAT! I had a bowl of it, and wish I had actually cut up some tomatoes to mix in. It had a good, mild spice and a great creamy texture. Also, cavatappi is by far my favorite pasta, so I was in heaven! The crab was also excellent in this sauce.
After that, we broke out the Mexican Dominos, or Mexican train. Kyle and I were the only ones who had played before, but we had a great time teaching everyone and we all really got into. Everyone loved it!
6. I didn't snack at all, even though there were chips and chicken wings around. I felt pretty gross after my carb-a-holic day, so I took it easy.
After Mexican Dominos we switched over to Beer Pong, where Nick and I dominated. Kind of like last fall:
You can't beat us. Well, you can. But rarely. Very, very rarely.
Last night was a great night full of awesome people ready to make the most of being SNOWED IN!
10am Friday morning:
10pm Friday night:
1pm Saturday afternoon:
The snow is more than half-way up the fence!
Pretty :-)
7. In preparation for our big outing, we had a fabulous brunch! There was soy chorizo with mushrooms and onions:
2 eggs + 4 egg whites with bruschetta and texas pete:
2 bananas and a handful of blueberries:
I had a 1/3 of the eggs, 1/3 of the chorizo mix, a scoop of fruit, 1 piece of toast, and a mimosa. Mmmmmm!
We needed that fuel because Ky and I decided to brave the snow (which is still falling!) and go for a walk.
So, I did get in some exercise, we walked about 1.5 miles down to 7-11 and back. Kyle wanted coffee, and I wanted a red bull so we braved the storm. It was gorgeous (as you can see from the pics), but also a great work out because even thought it was a short distance, it is hard walking through snow! It was pretty flat on the roads, but look at how hight it is on me:
It is easily up to my waist, but the bank I was standing in was so high that I was standing on several packed inches even though I sunk down quite a bit!
When we got home, I had a jumbo sugar free red bull:
Whew! Well, I'm off to make the most of our electricity while we are lucky enough to have it. For those of you also in the storm, be safe and have fun! Everyone else, well, I can't say I'm jealous because I'm having a great time!
I am glad you liked my mac & cheese recipe! I love anything with blue crab.