Who Needs a Diet?

Welcome to my attempt at figuring out how to live a healthy life, while not giving up things I truly love to do and eat!


Lots of food!

Alright, I'll try to make this quick and snappy!

For dinner Saturday night, Kyle and I wanted something quick and less-mess, so we had a frozen pizza:

For 1/3 a pizza there is 32% sodium, 370 calories, and 16 grams of fat. For a frozen pizza, that's not so bad! Usually the stats are that bad for a piece or two, but I felt satisfied with my 1/3. I added a bunch of chopped tomatoes before popping it in the oven.

It was really good, I've never had goat cheese pizza, but I am a fan of warm goat cheese now :-). I also used some cholula to kick up my crusts!

The party was pretty crazy... it was for President's Day, so you were supposed to dress up as a president or an authority figure of some kind. Kyle dressed up as Peter Griffen from the Petoria Episode of Family Guy:

Don't worry, that's padding, not an actual gut. I was...me! As in the secretary of Phi Sigma Pi, Gamma Iota Chapter at CofC:

Not very creative, but when you are battling a tight budget and a winter storm x2, you make due!

There were many more interesting outfits, for sure,

Martin van Buren:
Joe, who runs South Jersey:
There were also people who think Hawaii has a president, CIA agents, and even a president of Enron. It was a good time!

In terms of beverages, there was everything from a keg to vodka to rum to jungle juice; you name it, Chris had it. I had a bit of everything, and probably way too much calorie wise. But, it was a party at my own house, and I had a great time!

Definitely detoxing this week, for sure!

The next morning, I woke up feeling fine but had NO VOICE. On Valentine's Day, my favorite day of the year, and I couldn't even make a peep!

I persevered, and as I set up Kyle's valentine's surprise, I had a huevos rancheros wrap from Starbucks:

It was really really good, I was quite surprised! When Kyle got up, he had this waiting for him:

It was a spread of candies, valentines, a home-made card, and a coffee and muffin from Starbucks. It wasn't much, but we hadn't been able to leave the house at all to shop, and we also hadn't been apart for over a week, so it was impossible to do much given the circumstances.

Then, we went out to Gaithersburg for lunch and a movie. We figured that would be cheaper and less crowded than going out at night. We went to Pasha, a Moroccan restaurant we had noticed and wanted to try for a while. They had a Valentine's Day 4 Course Special we both got.

It was so. Much. Food. Omigosh.

1st Course, Moroccan Salad:

It was okay, just tomatoes and cucumbers in a light dressing. The dressing was very vinegar tasting, but I'm glad I got this instead of the house salad which was iceberg lettuce drenched in ranch dressing. I ate about 2/3s of it to get some good veggie intake.

2nd Course: Black Lentil Soup with Bread and Olives:

The soup was good, but nothing special. I felt like I could easily make it myself. The olives were tasty, and so was the bread which was very similar to foccacia. I ate about 1/2 the soup, two pieces of bread, and some olives.

3rd Course, Hummus and Pitas:

The hummus had a LOT of tahini in it, so if you don't like that taste you wouldn't like this hummus. Can you believe they brought EACH of us one of these plates? It was killer amounts of food! I had about half... the entire meal took over 2 hours for everything to be served, and we had over 30 minutes with these plates before our entrees came.

4th Course, Chicken and Vegetables:

This was pretty good, the chicken was so tender it fell of the bone. And the seasoning was great! I ate about 1/2 the chicken, all the veggies, and 1/2 the rice. Kyle had an amazing pastry dish, but I lost the photo :-(

All in all, the place wasn't amazing, and Kyle agreed. However, you can't beat a 4 course meal for $20.

After lunch, we could barely move we were so stuffed. If it weren't so cold, we would have walked around the shops for a while, but it was horribly cold and we had a movie to get to.

We went to see Crazy Heart, Jeff Bridge's new movie. I absoltely love Jeff Bridges, and he was amazing in this role. The plot was really interesting, as well as the cinematography of the south west. The movie was even better because I was too full to even contemplate getting a snack from the concession stand ;-)

After the movie we headed home and hung out for a few hours before ordering Thai for dinner from Chef Secret. It was CRAZY busy, probably because its the only "date" place in College Park. We had to wait over an hour for our food (unheard of there!), but it was still good.

We started with the Autumn rolls, which are filled with salmon:

So good! Then I had mixed veggies in a brown sauce with shrimp... only 3 shrimp :-(

Love this meal, though. It is full of good veggies, lots of cabbage, brocoli, mushrooms... yum! And it is all steamed. Delish! I ate all the veggies, and gave all my rice to Kyle.

For dessert Ky let me have one of his chocolates:

We watched Donnie Darko (hadn't seen it in year, forgot how cool it is!), and crashed by 10pm.

This morning I woke up feeling HORRIBLE. Despite getting almost 9 hours of sleep, I still couldn't speak and I felt incredibly stuffy and congested. Therefore, no gym today. Exercise when you are sick is incredibly debilitating to your body, and is never a good idea.

Once Ky left I dozed off and on until 11am, and I finally got up and head some vitamin-C:

I heart these. So good and good for you. Sadly, I couldn't really taste this one, but I was hopping by drinking the whole thing and getting 500% of my daily value of vitamin C would clear me up.

No such luck. But I was able to do a few hours of work. I also sipped on a big mug of tea:

Sadly, I also could not taste this :-(

A little later I thought I should try and get some food on my stomach, so I made some Annie's mac and cheese. The box says there are 3 serving sizes per box, so when it was prepared I separated it three ways to avoid over-eating. Another thing you can do if you feel like you migh go over board on food, only make that item when someone else is around to split it with. Trust me, splitting it up or sharing are GREAT ways to unknowingly cut carbs.

This did not sit well, and came up later :-(. Luckily, Ky is picking up some stuff for me to make soup for dinner that I love having when I feel like this.

I'm off to nap and do some more work; hope everyone is nice and healthy and safe and warm!

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