Who Needs a Diet?

Welcome to my attempt at figuring out how to live a healthy life, while not giving up things I truly love to do and eat!


I'm only happy when it rains...

I love Netflix. Last night, because of Netflix, I got to watch one of my favorites from my youth:

Did anyone else watch this when they were a kid? This is the show where a guy and his robots have a running commentary during a craptacular movie. Netflix has a ton of them available to watch instantly, and last night we watched Future War. It was a classic about killer dinosaurs and prostitutes turned nuns. It was no Spider Island, but really, what is?!

We made it only 40 minutes through that, and turned to Dexter, which netflix also streams. After the first episode, I thought it was a little slow, but I feel like it will pick up as I get deeper into it, for sure.

For my viewing pleasure I also had two butter cookies with my Liar's Dice zin.

Kyle had a GREAT Rogue American Amber Ale last night, that had a very full flavor while mildly hoppy.

Today I woke up to find a dark, dank, and dreary day here in Maryland! We have a ton of errands to run, but decided to run them tomorrow after work because it is so gross out.

But we did make one very important trip to....

The Bagel Place is a great restaurant right in town by campus that makes amazing bagels, cream cheeses, and sandwiches. And it's pretty reasonably priced, too!

I had toasted salt bagel with lite veggie cream cheese, onion, and tomato. It was GREAT! Ever since I was little, I have loved salt bagels from Bruegers Bagels. I guess that just stuck with me, and they are still my favorite kind of bagel.

I ate the whole sandwich (it was 11:30, and I woke up too late to have breakfast today!), with a diet coke on the side.

Kyle got a breakfast sandwich on a sun-dried tomato bagel with sausage, egg, and provalone cheese. I've had these before and they are massive, and incredibly good!

Here is a pick of the inside of the sandwich... they give you a HUGE sausage patty and then cook the eggs in a ring around the sausage.

Mmmmmm! It's always hard to pass these up, but tonight we are probably getting a pizza due to lack of food, and I didn't want two greasy meals today.

One final perk to this place is you can buy the bagels and cream cheese they make in house. We are out of cream cheese, so I picked up a container of the lite veggie cream cheese.

You can even buy a bag of their day old bagels for $2.35, and they stay fresh for several days!

Well, I'm off to read and perhaps watch a little more Dexter. Have a great Sunday!

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