Hey guys! It has been a looong, busy day. But there was a TON of good food to get me through!
I got up and headed to the gym before 9am, and had a banana for a pre-workout snack:
I had a good workout today! I took yesterday off to be cautious of my ankle, but I felt good and strong today. I walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes, then biked on low intensity for another 20. I had a good sweat listening to crazy ol' Ryan Seacreast on the gym speakers (I really need to get an mp3 player!).
After the gym, I ran a few errands, but forgot to pack a snack for after my workout. So, when I drove by Chipotle at 11am, I couldn't help myself. I really wish I had, though!
This was the WORST Chipotle I have ever had! Like I said, I got there right at 11, when they opened. Apparently, they don't necessarily make fresh food every day.... my steak was cold, and the corn and tomatoes were mushy like they were leftover from last night. Definitely disappointing!
Once home, I did a lot of reading for my seminar paper due in 3 short months (wish me luck!), and had a huge hunger pang at 2pm due to my early lunch and lack of breakfast. I made a pretty good combination, though:
I cut up an apple into chunks, sprinkled them with cinnamon and microwaved them for 1 minute, stirring them in the middle. They came out warm and soft, very similar to baked cinnamon apples. I topped them off with one of my yo Crunch cheesecake yogurts, and dug in! It was really good! I'm not much of an apple fan, but I liked them with a bit of sweetness from the cinnamon with the slightly tart yogurt. Plus the graham cracker crunch!
Dinner was spread out into two mini-meals, Kyle came home later than usual, and so I decided to have a salad at 5:30 to hold me over (of course he walked in the door right when I was done):
It was spring green mix, a 1/4 cup of black lentils, a scoop of humus, CHOLUA, and half of a red pepper. It was great, and very filling. It held me over until the rest of dinner, the last of the leftover indian lentils from the other night:
I have to say, it got better by the day due to the spices setting in. I think my initial upset was due to the fact that it didn't turn out like I expected... but sometimes kitchen disasters turn into great recipes.
I also mixed in a little bit of TJ's fully cooked rice:
We're running low on our TJ's goods... need to make another run soon. Espescially because we STILL DO NOT HAVE A STOVE. So, so, so, SO upsetting!!! I'm just as tired as using the Foreman or crockpot for every meal as you guys are probably getting look at them!! I promise that once I have access to a stove my meals will be a little bit more interesting. Arrgh.
Le sigh.
Instead of dessert I have opted for another guilty pleasure of mine, sparkling wine!
Did you know that there are laws in Europe against referring to Champagne and sparkling wine as the same thing?
Alright guys, it's a Grey's night so I am needed elsewhere. Have a good one, and a great start to the weekend!
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