Who Needs a Diet?

Welcome to my attempt at figuring out how to live a healthy life, while not giving up things I truly love to do and eat!


Boring Day!

Hey guys! Not a very exciting or eventful day...

For breakfast I had my afternoon snack from yesterday, a bowl of multi-grain cheerios with skim milk and a banana (sorry for lack of photo!)

I was oddly not hungry until early afternoon. I had a hair appointment at 1, and only started to feel hungry when I was leaving at 2:30. So, once I got home I had some of last night's leftovers:

It tasted better after sitting overnight because the spices developed more flavor. I also added some Cholua hot sauce, and had it sans rice this time.

For a little sweetness:

Then for dinner, I felt the need to satisfy my roots with.... BRATS! My dad's family is from Wisconsin, so during the summers my dad would grill some brats up for us.

I used Johnsville Smoked Brats (lowest fat/cal/cholesterol of all the ones I perused), and soaked them in a shallow bowl of beer all day. I only had a Miller Lite on hand, but normally would use something like Yeungling. I then just tossed them on the Forman for a few minutes until they were sizzling and popping a little bit.

On the side I made the same grilled mashed potatoes from a few nights ago, and a spring mix/spinach salad with tomatoes, goat cheese, and balsamic vin.

It really hit the spot, but now I am super full!

Have a good night, everyone!

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